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Possession of a security clearance issued by the U.S. Federal Government is a registration requirement.

It is a felony to make false statements about possession of a clearance. If you do not have a clearance and have never held one, may we suggest generalist sites such as or

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    We recommend you list your job title, certifications, top skills, trades etc. related to your work experience and desires. Up to 300 characters. This information is viewed by employers in the resume search result list and is the first representation of your resume.
Security Clearances
  1. Select the HIGHEST clearance value that you are CURRENTLY able to support
Category Experience
  1. Select ALL industries related to your work experience and desires
States you are willing to work
Site Access
  1. Choose a user name. User name may contain the following characters: any letters of english alphabet, digits and -_.@%*()#
  2. Choose a password 10 to 50 characters long containing at least one of each: UPPER CASE letter, lower case letter, digit and special character.
  3. Re-enter your password to Confirm
    The information entered is for personal use only and will not be displayed on the resume and is not searchable by Employers.
  5. I have security clearance issued by the U.S. Federal Government and accept terms of use policy.