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Who We Are

DUIT was founded in 2010 by a United States Navy veteran and a federal government employee. Since then, DUIT has emereged as the systems integration experts in the Information Technology arena. Its senior leadership consists of a team of intelligence community veterans with military, private sector and federal government experience. DUIT is aremd with the best and the brightest information technology experts as its employees and provides cutting edge consulting services in software engineering, systems engineering, mathematics, project management, cloud computing and cyber security.

Our Mission

Our mission is to be the best at what we do! We pride ourselves in understanding the requirments of our customers, paying attention to details, providing excellent customer service and efficient delivery of all products, tools, and services. We believe that information technology expertise combined with a strong work ethic and effective time management is the key to building innovative tools and cutting edge services in a timely manner before they become obsolete. DUIT will do it right the first time, every time!

Company Contactback to top

Contact Name Marcellas Howard
Primary Email
Primary Phone 4435435051
URL http://DUIT
Division Davis Unlimited Information Technologies, Inc.

Company Locationback to top

City State Code Country
Catonsville MD USA